Chemistry Learning and Instructional Practices
We apply a knowledge-in-pieces perspective to investigate students ideas about a number of chemistry concepts, including chemical bonding, light-matter interactions, and molecular symmetry. We also study course/curriculum design principles and instructional practices, such as multidimensional learning and systems thinking.
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Funding History
- The longitudinal development of students’ cognitive and epistemological knowledge about bonding models (to S. Fullington, NSF, current)
- Exploring a chemistry core idea: An investigation of student understanding of bonding and bonding models (Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation, current)
- Collaborative research: Exploring connections between instructional practice and student learning in inorganic chemistry learning environments (NSF, current)
- Characterizing student strategies when using molecular symmetry (Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation, completed)
Representative Publications
- Spitha, N.; Zhang, Y.; Pazicni, S.; Fullington, S. A.; Morais, C.; Buchberger, A. R.; Doolittle, P. S. Supporting submicroscopic reasoning in students’ explanations of absorption phenomena using a simulation-based activity. Chemistry Education Research and Practice 2024, 25(1), 133–150.
- Crandell, O. M.; Pazicni, S. Leveraging cognitive resources to investigate the impact of molecular orientation on students’ activation of symmetry resources. Chemistry Education Research and Practice 2023, 24(1), 353–368.
- Spitha, N.; Doolittle, P. S.; Buchberger, A. R.; Pazicni, S. A simulation-based guided inquiry activity for deriving the Beer-Lambert law, Journal of Chemical Education 2021, 98(5), 1705–1711.
- Pazicni, S.; Wink, D. J.; Donovan, A.; Conrad, J. A.; Darr, J. P.; Morgan Theall, R. A.; Richter-Egger, D. L.; Villalta-Cerdas, A.; and Walker, D. R. The American Chemical Society General Chemistry Performance Expectations Project: From task force to distributed process for implementing multidimensional learning, Journal of Chemical Education 2021, 98(4), 1112–1123.
- Pazicni, S.; Flynn, A. Systems Thinking in Chemistry Education: Theoretical challenges and opportunities, Journal of Chemical Education 2019, 96 (12), 2752–2763.
- Pyburn, D. T.; Pazicni, S.; Benassi, V. A.; Tappin, E. M. The Testing Effect: An intervention on behalf of low-skilled comprehenders in general chemistry. Journal of Chemical Education 2014, 91 (12), 2045–2057.
- Pazicni, S.; Bauer, C. F. Characterizing illusions of competence in introductory chemistry students. Chemistry Education Research and Practice 2014, 15 (1), 24-34.
Equity and Inclusion in Chemistry Professional Training
We are interested in exploring the chemistry career ecosystem from Critical perspectives. That is, we view asymmetries between individuals from majority groups and individuals from historically excluded groups as consequences of systemic flaws. In doing so, we aim to provide evidence-based recommendations for centering equity and inclusion in all sectors of chemistry professional training, including undergraduate and graduate education, as well as career and professional development aimed at students from historically excluded groups.
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Funding History
- Towards a diverse professoriate: Experiences that inform underrepresented scholars’ perceptions of value alignment and career decisions (to J. Tashiro, NSF, current)
- Assessment and evaluation of graduate student professional development programs and investigation of equity and inclusion issues in graduate education in the chemical sciences (Genentech Foundation/American Chemical Society, completed)
- Exploring factors that control the choices of Latinx science and engineering students to pursue graduate study (Wisconsin Materials Research Science and Engineering Center, completed)
- Supporting community college transfer students in earning STEM degrees at UNH (NSF, completed)
Representative Publications
- Howe, M. E.; Kim, M.; Pazicni, S. Graduate student women’s perceptions of faculty careers: The Critical role of departmental values and support in career choice, JACS Au 2022, 2(6), 1443–1456.
- Howe, M. E.; Schaffer, L. V.; Styles, M. J.; Pazicni, S. Exploring factors affecting interest in chemistry faculty careers among graduate student women: Results from a local pilot study, Journal of Chemical Education 2022, 99(1), 92–103.