Team Values

As a community of researchers dedicated to chemistry and science education, we:

  • value the diversity of identities, lived experiences, and personal/professional goals of members in the group. 
  • empower and support each other in becoming independent thinkers, researchers, and agents of change—and in developing our own roles in the academic ecosystem.
  • value and respect the diversity of expertise in the group.
  • value critical and constructive feedback from each other regarding our work and our interactions with each other.  
  • value each other as human beings and research colleagues.
  • value the mental health and wellness of ourselves, each other, and those not in our group.
  • recognize that we are not in competition with each other; rather, we are all working to support each other’s individual journeys and goals.
  • value scientific work generated by scholars in our field and work generated in other fields where we do not hold expertise. 
  • value ethical treatment of research participants, data, and responsible use of research findings/implications.

The image above was designed by Prof. Anne McNeil from the University of Michigan. Stickers of this image are available for purchase.